Before purchasing, make sure you review our retreat's terms & conditions!
Ready to join ROAM?! Ready to ROAM in Iceland? If you're ready for an adventure that 100+ members can vouch for, then let's do this. My goal is to make this retreat and your experience in ROAM far more impactful than what is listed on paper. You're about to invest into one of the best experiences of your life, and I can't wait to blow away your expectations.
What you'll get:
- ROAM Membership
- Access to over 24 hours of course content
- Access to community group
- Access to monthly mentor calls
- Access to monthly booking mentor calls
- Personal access to Stanton
- A Ticket to the Iceland ROAM Retreat (no lodging, transportation, or meals included)
- 3 Full Days Exploring the Best Part of Iceland
- Presentations and 3 Days Surrounded by Alesia Films, Hello Tomorrow, and Stanton Giles
- 3 Styled Shoots
- ROAM Merch/Gift Bag
- Meals, Transportation, and Lodging Included